Wednesday 7 May 2014

Short sleeves and the Topee (headgear) in Salaat

Concerning attire in Salaat, Allah Ta'ala has commanded: “O children of Adam (mankind), adopt dignified attire at the time of Salaat.”
It must be appreciated from the choice of words used in this command, that not only is covering one’s body implied but implicit reference is made towards a distinctive category of attire. Since Allah Ta'ala has used the word ‘zeenat’ (i.e. dignified or appropriate attire) when referring to dressing for Salaat.
This fact is affirmed by Mufti Shafi Saheb (R.A) who writes; “During Salaat, merely covering one’s satr (that part of the body, the concealing of which is compulsory at all times) is not sufficient but clothes of dignity (zeenat) which is befitting the sanctity of Salaat will have to be adopted. Thus for a male to perform Salaat bareheaded or with his elbows exposed (with shortsleeves) will be Makrooh (reprehensible) and a contradiction of ‘zeenat’. The Shariat views performing Salaat with short-sleeves as Makrooh, whether the shirt itself is short-sleeve or one has folded the sleeves.
Likewise it would also be Makrooh to perform Salaat wearing demeaning attire that one would be ashamed to wear in public. The ruling of Makrooh that has been attached to performing Salaat bareheaded or with short-sleeves is not only derived from the word ‘zeenat’ appearing in the aayat but also has been supported by the Ahaadith of Rasulullah r.
At the time of Salaat, Hasan Basri (R.A) used to adorn himself with the most beautiful and dignified clothing and used to exclaim that Allah Ta'ala likes beauty. Therafter he used to, by way of clarification, recite the aforementioned Aayat.

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