Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Concentration and Devotion in Salaat

Generally the aspect lacking most in our Salaat is concentration and devotion whereas the Quraan has promised success for that person who performs his Salaat with proper concentration and devotion. The remedy for this dreadful condition has been prescribed in a Hadith.
Rasulullah r is reported to have said: “Perform your Salaat as if it is a ‘farewell’ Salaat.” (i.e. as if this is the last Salaat of your life)74 Every person should perform his Salaat with this in mind that he might not live to perform another Salaat. He should imagine himself in the presence of Allah the Almighty who even knows the thoughts that go through his mind.
He should say to himself that if I do not pay attention to Allah, then how can I expect Him to pay attention to me. I am dependant on him while He is independent of me. Hopefully this will create the desired concentration and devotion.
Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (R.A) writes: “ ‘Khushoo’ (concentration) refers to tranquility. Among the requirements of Salaat is that all the limbs should be in a tranquil state. The Musalli must refrain from any unnecessary movement. He should keep his gaze at the required place and not look around or turn his head in any direction whatsoever. Neither must he straighten his hair or clothes nor should he scratch his body. Unnecessary coughing and clearing of the throat should also be avoided.
Concentration means that one should refrain from intentionally thinking of anything that is not related to the Salaat. If some stray thoughts do enter the mind unintentionally, it would not be regarded as being contrary to concentration. Concentration is within a person’s control and hence it is possible to develop and strengthen it.
An easy way to develop concentration is to ponder over every word recited. When special attention is given to every word then automatically other thoughts will vanish. This concentration should be maintained throughout the Salaat. If the above is observed, Insha Allah stray thoughts will not hinder one. However if some stray thoughts still come to mind, then fretting over them (by thinking that these dangerous thoughts have come again) in Salaat is also against concentration. Instead one should again turn one’s attention to what is being recited. Insha Allah, the stray thoughts will disappear and concentration will once again be achieved. If one does not achieve the desired concentration and devotion, one should not be disillusioned and totally discard Salaat. Instead continue to endeavour to obtain the cherished goal. If the Salaat is totally forsaken due to a lack of concentration, the sin of foregoing the Fardh will also be incurred. Salaat has to be performed in all circumstances, with concentration or without it.
Shaytaan will try to mislead a person in every possible way. At times he prompts a person to think that the condition of his Salaat is so poor that it will make no difference if he does not perform it at all. However, one should not fall prey to these thoughts. The Salaat must be performed at all times even if the desired concentration and devotion is not achieved.
Nevertheless, if mistakes do happen or stray thoughts do occur, one should repent sincerely and make a firm intention to improve one’s Salaat. Insha Allah, Allah Ta'ala will ease the task of performing Salaat with concentration and devotion.

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