Wednesday 7 May 2014

Correct attire in Salaat

To cover the satr is a condition of salaat. Disregarding this will invalidate the salaat. In addition to this, one should take note that clothes made of silk are not worn by men. Similarly, clothes with pictures of animated objects are not permissible. Kurtas and trousers should not cover the ankles since this will render the salaat makrooh.
Once a person performed his salaat with his trousers covering his ankles. Rasulullah r ordered him to repeat his wudhu and salaat and admonished him by saying: “Allah Ta'ala does not accept the salaat of a person whose trousers flow below the ankles.

It has been stated in many authentic Ahaadith that a person who lets his trouser flow below his ankles out of pride, Allah Ta'ala will not even look towards him due to anger on the day of judgement.
In another Hadith it is mentioned that Rasulullah r warned a Sahabi by saying: “Refrain from letting your trouser flow below your ankles for this is pride and Allah Ta'ala does not love proud people.”65 Yet in another Hadith it is stated: “Whatever flows below the ankles will be in the fire of hell. (i.e. this will be the fate of the one who wears such a trouser that flows below the ankles).
It is clearly stated in a Hadith that a proud person will not enter Jannat. Hence extra care should be taken to ensure that no clothing is worn below the ankles. Unfortunately most people are negligent in this regard. The warning in the Ahaadith is general and pertains to wearing the clothing below the ankles in Salaat as well as outside Salaat. When one performs Salaat while dressed in the manner disliked by Allah Ta'ala, how can one expect the Salaat to be accepted. Many people fold their trousers up during Salaat but once the Salaat is over, they once again undo the folds and allow the trousers to flow below the ankles. Such people should take note that to dress in this manner is disliked by Allah Ta'ala whether one is in Salaat or outside Salaat.

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