Wednesday 7 May 2014

Rectification of the Ruku posture

 In ruku, grasp both the knees, with the fingers spread apart.
Merely placing the palms on the knees is not the Sunnat method.
 The head, back and the posterior should be at one level. Do not
lower the head nor raise it.

 The arms should be seperated from the sides. The arms should
not be tucked into the sides nor should the arms be bent. They
should be kept straight.
 The feet should also be kept straight. Do not bend the knees.
 Read سبحان ربي العظيم three times with ease. To read less than this is
makrooh (detestable) It is better to read more than three times.
Some Scholars regard reading the Tasbeeh thrice in ruku and
sajdah as Waajib (compulsory). However the correct view is that it
is Sunnat. Pronounce the complete Tasbeeh correctly. Take special
care in pronouncing the ظ properly.
 In ruku as well, the feet should face the Qiblah and the ankles
should be parallel to each other.
 In ruku, the sight should be on the feet.

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