Wednesday 7 May 2014

The correct method of the TAKBEER-E-TAHRIMA(Allahu Akbar) and the QIYAAM(standing posture)

 At the time of saying the Takbeer-e- tahrima, one should not lower the head. The head should be kept upright. Both the hands should be raised up to the ears.Some people only make a slight upward sign with the hands. This is contrary to the Sunnat method.
 When raising the hands, the palms should face the Qiblah. Some people, instead of facing the palms towards Qiblah, point their fingers towards their ears. This is incorrect.

 When raising the hands at the time of saying Allahu Akbar, the fingers should not be completely closed together nor should they be completely spread apart. Instead, the fingers should be moderately kept in their normal position.
 After saying Allahu Akbar, fasten both hands beneath the navel without first dropping them. Some people first drop the hands to the sides and then tie it below the navel. This is also incorrect.
 The right palm should be placed on the left palm. Then grasp the wrist with the thumb and small finger and spread the remaining three fingers on the back of the left hand. This method encompasses practice on many Ahaadith.
 Some people leave the palm to hang down and merely place the fingers of the right hand on the left arm. This is incorrect.
 It is preferable that both the feet be kept near each other. There should be a gap of four fingers between the two feet. This method is the closest to khushoo’ (humility).30 By keeping the two feet like this, one does not need to move a lot in order to keep the two heels together when making sajdah, which is Sunnat.
 One should avoid swaying and moving the body while standing in Salaat. Some Imaams sway their bodies whilst reciting Quraan in the standing posture.
 Both feet should face the Qiblah. They should not be turned away from the direction of the Qiblah. Similarly both feet should be in a straight line - not one behind the other.
 Whilst in the standing posture, the sight should be focussed at the place of sajdah. Avoid looking around or even in front of you.
 Avoid scratching as far as possible. If there is a dire need to scratch, use only one hand with minimul movements.

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