Wednesday 7 May 2014

Performance of Ruku, Qaumah, Sajdah and Jalsa

The standing posture after ruku before going into sajdah is termed as Qaumah whilst the sitting posture between the two sajdahs is termed as Jalsah.
It is waajib (compulsory) to perform the ruku, qaumah, sajdah and jalsah calmly. To perform these postures of Salaat calmly means that after performing the ruku for instance, one should not hasten towards the sajdah until the entire body is at ease. Once the body is in this condition of calm and ease, to remain in that posture for the duration of one ‘Tasbeeh’ (the duration of reciting subhaanallah once) is waajib. To perform these postures in the above mentioned manner (calmly) is termed as ‘Itminaan’.

The omission of ‘Itminaan’ intentionally, necessitates the repetition of the entire Salaat, since a waajib has been omitted. However if the omission was unintentional, a sajdah-e sahw (remedial prostration) has to be made. If the sajdah-e-sahw was not performed, the Salaat is not valid and must be repeated.
‘Itminaan’ is generally observed in ruku and sajdah, since the ‘tasbeehaat’(Subha-na-rabial-azeem etc.) are recited therein. Very few people do not perform these postures (ruku and sajdah) calmly.
However, many people do not fulfil the condition of ‘Itminaan’ in Jalsah and Qaumah, since the Masnoon duaas that are to be recited in these postures are completely omitted. Sadly the ‘Khawaas’ (learned) as well as the ‘Awaam’ (general public) are guilty of this omission.

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