Monday 28 April 2014


After drinking ZamZam it is Mustahab to approach the door of the Ka'bah, kiss its doorframe, place the chest and face against the Multazam, grasp the cloth of the Ka'bah and humble oneself before Allaah Ta'aala. Any duaaa concerning the affairs of the Dunya and Aakhirat may be made as well as the following:
"Oh Allaah this is Your house which You have made blessed and a means of guidance for mankind. Oh Allaah, just as You have guided me to this act (of Hajj) accept it from me and do not make this my last visit to Your house. Oh Most Merciful of the Merciful, grant me the good fortune from Your infinite Mercy to return here until You are pleased with me".

The Multazam is amongst those places in Makkah where duaaas are most accepted. There are fifteen such places which Kamaal bin Humaan (R.A.) has enumerated from a treatise of Hassan Basri (R.A.) as follows:
1. During Tawaaf on the Mataaf.
2. At the Multazam.
3. Below the Mizaab ( water out-let of the Ka'bah).
4. Within the Ka'bah itself.
5. When drinking ZamZam (at the well).
6. Behind the Maqaam-e- Ebrahim (Alaihis-Salaam).
7. At Safaa.
8. At Marwah.
9. During the Sa'ee at Safaa and Marwah.
10. At Arafaat.
11. At Muzdalifah.
12. At Mina.
13. At the first Jamarah.
14. At the second Jamarah.
15. At the third Jamarah.
The Jamaraat are pelted on four days (if one stays over on the thirteenth viz. the Day of Nahr (Eid-Sacrifice) and the subsequent three days as explained above.
Mention has also been made of the acceptance of duaaa upon the sighting of the Ka'bah. It is Mustahab to enter the blessed Ka'bah if the opportunity avails itself without harming anyone. Upon entering one should adopt Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)'s position for Salaat. This place is in front of him when his back faces the door. Between the Musallee and the wall there should be a distance of approximately three armslength. After performing Salaat, the cheek should be placed against the wall and forgiveness should be sought from Allaah Ta'aala and He should be glorified with Praises. Thereafter Hamd, Tasbeeh, the Kalimah and Takbir as well as any other duaaas should be recited at every pillar with utmost respect both within oneself and without. The green area between the two pillars is not the place where Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) performed Salaat. Contrary to what people say, there is no truth in the erroneous and fabricated claim about the "Urwatul Wuthqaa" being the high part of the Ka'bah's wall. The peg at the centre of the Ka'bah is termed the navel of the world by some people. The exposing of their navels, and also the normally concealed parts of their bodies, and placing it on this peg is are acions without proof.
When the Haajji has completed his farewell Tawaaf he should walk away backwards fixing his gaze upon the Ka'bah, weeping, or, at least attempting to do so and grieving at one's departure from the beloved Ka'bah. In this manner one should leave the Masjid. Makkah should be left from the door of Bani Shayba from the Thania Sufla.
A woman will act in the same way as a man does in Hajj, except that:-
1) She will not expose her head, and will hang a veil before her face supported by something which will not allow it to touch the face.
2) She will not raise her voice when reciting the Talbiyah.
3) She will not do the Ramal nor jog between the Green Lights but she will maintain her normal walking pace while making Tawaaf and when walking between Safaa and Marwah.
4) She will not shave her head nor trim it the way men do.
5) She is permitted to wear less loose fitting (obviously not tight- fitting) clothing.
6) She should not crowd with the men for Istilaam of the Hajr Aswad.
Thus the Hajj of a Mufrid (called Hajj-e-Ifraad) has been described. The Hajj of a Mutamatte (called Hajj-e-Tamattu) is more superior in status to the Hajj of the Mufrid. Similarly, the Hajj of a Qaarin (called Hajj-e-Qiraan) is superior to that of Tamattu.

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