Monday 28 April 2014


In Makkah the Tawaaf of Ziyaraat (which consists of seven rounds) should be made, after which conjugal relations with one's wife also becomes permissible. The best of these three days for the Tawaaf of Ziyaraat is the first. If a person delays it until after these three days, then the sacrifice of an additional goat becomes obligatory upon him due to his delay of a Waajib (obligatory) act.

After this, one returns to Mina where one should once again stay. Once the sun crosses its meridian (Zawaal) on the second day of Ayyaam-e- Nahr (i.e. 11th at Zil Hijjah), all three Jamaraat will be pelted, beginning with the one closest to the Masjid e Khaif. This one will be pelted with seven pebbles while on foot, calling out the Takbir with every pebble. Then one should halt awhile making any duaaa one desires, praise Allaah Ta'aala and express Durood and Salawaat upon Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The hands should be raised in this duaaa wherein forgiveness should also be sought for one's parents and Mu'min brothers.
Next, the adjacent Jamarah (pillar) should be stoned as the preceding one was and here again duaaa should be made. Finally the Jamara-tul- Aqabah will be pelted while mounted upon a conveyance following which no duaaa is made. On the third day of the Ayyaam-e- Nahr (i.e. 12 th. Zil Hijjah), all three Jamaraat should be pelted again, after Zawaal in a like manner.
If someone is in a hurry, he may leave for Makkah before sunset of this (12th) day. However, if he delays his departure to after sunset then it would be Makrooh without any penalty on him. Those choosing to stay on at Mina should again pelt on the fourth day (i.e. 13th of Zil Hijjah). This pelting is permissible before Zawaal although it is more virtuous after Zawaal. It will be Makrooh to pelt before sunrise. Every pelting at a single Jamarah which is to be followed by another pelting should be done on foot, to facilitate the making of duaaa after it. If it is not to be followed by another pelting then it should be done from a conveyance, to allow immediate departure without a duaaa. It is Makrooh to spend the nights of pelting in any place besides Mina.
When travelling to Makkah, one should alight at Muhassab for a short while. Upon entering Makkah another Tawaaf comprising the normal seven rounds should be completed without Ramal or Sa'ee if these two had already been done on a previous occasion. This is called the Tawaaf of Widaa (Farewell). It is also termed the Tawaaf Sadr. This Tawaaf is Waajib (obligatory) except upon the residents of Makkah and upon those still to remain in Makkah for a while. Thereafter two rakaats should be performed after which ZamZam water should be consumed facing the Ka'bah. One should drink to his fill, taking many breaths in-between while gazing at the Ka'bah each time. Some ZamZam should be poured on the body if possible, otherwise just the face and head should be sprinkled with it. Any permissible duaaa may be made while drinking. The following duaaa is reported to have been made by Hadhrat Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallahu-anhu):
"O Allaah I ask you for beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and cure from every ailment".
Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
"The water of ZamZam is for whatever purpose it is drunk ". (i.e. whatever duaaa is made upon its consumption will be accepted.)

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