Monday 28 April 2014


A person should not be negligent and lax or lazy on this day since he may not obtain another opportunity for a long time . Especially for someone very far from it. Remaining upon one's conveyance during this period is best (referring to conveyances of the past) and standing is superior to sitting.
Once the sun sets, the Imaam of Hajj and the rest of the people will proceed to Muzdalifah very calmly. From Arafaat to Muzdalaifah is about 8.5Km. Those wishing to hasten could do so only when no inconvenience is posed to others. No one should behave like hooligans by racing around, rushing and harming others since all this is Haraam.

At Muzdalifah one should settle close to the mountain of Quza, avoiding the centre of the valley to allow the passage of other travellers. Here Maghrib and Isha should be performed with a common Azaan and Iqaamah. However, if any Nawaafil are performed or any activity transpires between the two Fardh Salaats, the Iqaama should be repeated. It is not permissible to perform the Maghrib Salaat on the road to Mazdalifah. If someone performed Maghrib en route, it would have to be repeated at Muzdalifah if one reaches Muzdalifah before dawn (Subh Saadiq).
It is Sunnat to spend the night at Muzdalifah. Once dawn breaks, the Imaam will lead the Fajr Salaat while darkness still prevails. Everyone will then remain in any part of Muzdalifah except Batn-e- Muhassar where they will again apply themselves to making duaaa to Allaah Ta'aala to make them realize their goals and ambitions as He had done for Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) at this place. Once sufficient light spreads, everyone will proceed to Mina before sunrise where they will set up camp.
At Mina they will begin by pelting the Jamratul Aqabah-Big Shaytaan from the centre of the valley using seven pebbles resembling the small splintered pieces of a shattered earthen pot. It is preferable to collect these pebbles at Muzdalifah or from the road towards Mina. It is Makrooh to:-
a) gather these from amongst those at the Jamarah.
b) pelt from the top of the valley due to the harm it poses to others. c) pick up these stones from any place without discretion.
d) to break any large stone or rock to derive these pebbles.
e) use impure pebbles. These pebbles should be washed to be certain of their purity since an act of worship is performed by means of them. However, if one pelts with impure pebbles, it will be valid although Makrooh.
Recitation of the Talbiyah will stop upon the first pebble thrown. The method of pelting is to hold the pebble with the thumb and index finger because it is easier and more degrading to Shaytaan. Some people think that Shaitaan is hurt with more aggressive throwing. This is incorrect. Shaitaan loves undisciplined acts of anger. Being in control at such a time is therefore more degrading to Shaitaan than when one is in control of ones emotions and actions. The Sunnat method is to pelt with the right hand. The pebble should be placed upon the back of the thumb aided by the index finger. Five arms length should separate the Jamarah from the person pelting (if possible). If the stone falls to his feet, or strikes an obstacle thereby hindering it's flight, the pelting should be repeated. If the stone falls after it completes its flight (and lands close to the Jamarah as demarcated) it will suffice (even though it does not strike it directly). Takbir should be recited with every pebble.
Hereafter, the Mufrid could slaughter an animal if he desires, following which he must shave all his hair or trim it, although shaving is better. Shaving even a quarter of the head is sufficient. Trimming means to cut the equivalent of a fingertip length off every portion of the head. With the act of shaving, everything which was not allowed during the state of Ihraam becomes Halaal for the Muhrim except intercourse. The person should leave for Makkah on the same day or the following day or the day thereafter.

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