Monday 28 April 2014


The Istilaam of the Hajr Aswad (as described earlier) should be repeated every time one passes by it. With the last Istilaam (i.e. the eighth one) the Tawaaf (of seven rounds) is terminated together with two rakaats Salaat at the Maqaame Ibrahim (Alaihis-Salaam) or at any other convenient place within the Masjid. Thereafter duaa should be made followed by another Istilaam. This is Tawaaf of Qudoom (Arrival). It is Sunnat for any non-resident of Makkah.

The next procedure is to proceed towards Safaa and after reaching its as high a point from which the Ka'bah is visible." Allaahu-Akbar" should be recited together with the Kalimah, Talbiyya, Durood upon Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and other duaaas. The hand should be raised and spread out in front of one. Thereafter, one should descend calmly towards Marwah at a moderate pace. Upon reaching the "centre of the valley" ( Batn-Waadi) men should jog between the Meelain Akhdarain (i.e. the portion between the green lights -about 40m.). After passing this area a normal walking pace should be resumed until reaching Marwah. Here one should repeat what was previously done at Safaa. This will now be considered one Shaut or round of the Sa'ee. From Safaa to Marwah is about 405m.
Hereafter, one should return to Safaa, again jogging between the green lights (for men only) - thereafter, walking naturally until reaching the top of Safaa, and repeating what was done earlier. This will now count as the second Shaut. In a like manner seven Shauts should be completed (including these two) beginning initially at Safaa and concluding at Marwah. The jogging at the Batn Waadi should be repeated by the men during every one of the seven Shauts.
The Haajji should now reside in Makkah in the state of Ihraam, making Tawaaf whenever possible since Tawaaf is superior to Nafl Salaat for a non-resident of Makkah.
After performing the Fajr Salaat of the eighth day of Zil Hijjah one should prepare to leave for Mina. Commence the journey to Mina after sunrise, and it is preferable to perform the Zohr Salaat in Mina. The recitation of the Talbiyah should not be neglected at any time except when one is making Tawaaf during the journey.
One should remain in Mina up to the time Fajr Salaat has been performed there while darkness is still prevalent. One should attempt to be close to the Masjid Khaif, then proceed towards Arafaat after sunrise. ( ninth of Zil Hijjah). From Makkah to Arafaat is about 22Km.
At Arafaat one should stop and reside for a while and after Zawaal (midday) one should go to the Masjid-un- Namirah where, Zohr and Asr Salaats will be performed together (i.e. Asr will immediately follow Zohr) behind the Muslim leader or his deputy. This will take place after the Imaam had delivered two sermons between which he will sit for a while. These two Fardh Salaats will be proceeded by one common Azaan and two individuaal Iqaamats. One may only combine these two Salaats subject to two conditions. (1) Ihraam (2) Following the Imam (i.e. the Imaam leading the congregation in the Masjid -un- Namirah).
No Nafl Salaat should be performed between these two Fardh Salaats. If one is unable to perform these Salaats behind the Imaam, he should perform each one separately at its respective times and he should not combine them. After performing the Salaat, with the Imam, one should proceed towards the Mawqif (the place of halting) which is the entire plain of Arafaat except a place called Batn-e-Urnah. After Zawaal a bath should be taken in preparation for one's stay here. Then one should try to be stationed near the mountain of Mercy (Jabal-ur-Rahmah), facing the Qiblah, reciting the Takbir, Kalimah, Talbiyah and supplicating towards Allaah Ta'aala with hands outstretched like a person begging for food. Here one should exert in prayer with utmost earnestness and sincerity for himself, his parents and family. He should try to shed tears since this is a sign of acceptance.

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