Monday 28 April 2014


When a person intends to begin his Hajj he should enter in his Ihraam from the Meeqaat e.g. Raabigh. This is achieved by taking a bath or making wudhu (the former being preferable), for cleanliness. Therefore even a menstruating woman should bath as well as a woman still bleeding after childbirth(if bathing is not harmful to her).
Absolute cleanliness is desirable (Mustahab). This includes the paring of nails, clipping of the moustache, removing underarm and pubic hair, as well as applying oil to the head, even though the oil may be scented.
Men should adorn one lower garment and one upper garment which should either be new or washed. New white garments are preferable.
These garments should not have buttons (or be very fitting) since such clothing is Makrooh. One should then apply perfume and perform two rakaats Salaat after which the following duaaa should be recited.“O Allaah! I intend performing Hajj so ease its performance for me and accept it from me”.
Thereafter the following Talbiyah should be recited: One should not omit from this any words but if one chooses, the following may be added.
This addition is also Sunnat. Once this Talbiyah has been recited, one has entered the state of Ihraam. Now one should abstain from conjugal relations as well as its mention to one’s wife. Promiscuous and loose conversation is also not allowed as well as all forms of sin including disputes and quarrels with one’s fellow travelling companions and servants. Also prohibited is the hunting of land animals as well as leading or merely indicating towards others the hunting of the same. Wearing fitting clothes, a turban or any covering of the head(for men) or face is also not permissible. Using any perfume or shaving of any hair is also not permitted.
Having a bath, taking shade from a tent (umbrella) or anything else and wearing a money belt are all allowed during the state of Ihraam.
Recital of the Talbiyah should be increased after every Salaat or when ascending, descending, meeting a conveyance and at the time of Sehri. It should be recited in a raised voice which is not annoying to others.
Upon reaching Makkah it is preferable (Mustahab) to have a bath. One should enter Makkah from the door of Mu'allah so as to be facing the door of the Ka’bah upon entering as a token of respect. It is preferable to enter while still reciting the Talbiyah until one reaches Baabus Salaam (Door of Salaam) at the Masjid of Haraam. One should enter through this door with utmost humility and meekness while reciting the Talbiyah constantly, bearing in mind the greatness of the place. Allaahu- Akbar, the Kalima and Durood upon Nabi (Sallallahu alayhiwasallam) should be recited while being tolerant and clement towards the crowd. Any supplication may be made upon sighting the Ka’bah, as these are accepted.
Thereafter, one should face the Hajr Aswad, reciting Allaahu- Akbar and the Kalimah, raising both hands as in Salaat, and then place the hands upon the stone and kiss it without a sound. (This is called Istilaam). If doing the above is harmful and injurious to oneself or to others it should be avoided. Rather touch the stone with any object (a stick or the like) and kiss it. Otherwise indicate towards it with both hands from a distance, and then kiss the hands. " Allaahu-Akbar", the Kalimah and "Al Hamdu Lillah" should be recited together with Durood upon Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Tawaaf (circumambulation) of the Ka'bah should now be commenced from one's right-hand side, from the area in line with the door. Men should be in the state of Idhtibaa (i.e. wearing the upper garment below the right armpit throwing both edges upon the left shoulder-thus leaving the right shoulder open).
Seven shauts (rounds) should be made of the Ka'bah during which duaas can be made. One should walk around the Hateem (not inside it). The male intending to make Sa'ee between Safaa and Marwah after his Tawaaf, should make Ramal during the first three rounds of the Tawaaf. Ramal means to walk briskly, moving the shoulders from side to side as a brave warrior would bravely confront the enemy with valour. If one encounters congestion due to the crowds, he should avoid walking briskly but thereafter proceed briskly whenever this is possible. because this is essential. He should only yield to the crowds for the duration of it's congestion, but not longer, as this is the Sunnat practice. This is unlike the kissing of the Hajr Aswad (which is omitted due to restricting crowds) since this practice has the alternative of kissing the hands.

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