Monday 28 April 2014


1. To take a bath even though the person is in the state of menstruation or afterbirth (Nifaas). Alternatively wudhu may be performed when intending to enter in the state of Ihraam. 2. To wear new, white upper and lower garments. 3. To apply perfume. 4. To perform two rakaats Salaat.
5. To increase one’s recitation of the Talbiyah after adorning the Ihraam in a raised voice (for men) whenever performing Salaat or ascending or descending. The Talbiyah should be read at least thrice continuously whenever commenced. 6. Sending Durood (Salutations) upon Rasulullaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). 7. To supplicate for Jannat and the companionship of the pious, together with seeking protection from Jahannam- Hell. 8. To take a bath for entering Makkah. 9. To enter Makkah during the daytime from the door of Mu'alla. 10. To recite Takbeer and the Kalima before the Ka'bah. 11. To make any duaa one pleases upon sighting the Ka'bah. This duaa is most certainly accepted. 12. To perform the Tawaaf on Arrival (Tawaaf Qudoom) even though it may not be the month of Hajj. 13. To adorn the upper garment of the Ihraam in such a manner that the right shoulder is exposed (note: this in only during the Tawaaf and only for men. At other times, especially during Salaat, both shoulders should be covered.) 14. To perform Ramal during the first three rounds of every Tawaaf which is to be followed by Sa'ee during the months of Hajj (Ramal means to walk briskly with short steps, moving the shoulders from side to side). 15. To jog between the green lights. This, as well as the aforementioned Ramal, apply to men only. The remainder of the Sa'ee should be completed at a normal moderate walking pace. 16. To perform an abundance of Tawaaf which, for a nonresident of Makkah, is superior to Nafl Salaat. 17. The deliverance of a Khutbah after Zohr on the seventh day of Zil Hijjah. This is a single Khutba with a seated pause in between, wherein the masses are instructed with the various injunctions of Hajj. 18. To leave Makkah after sunrise on the eighth day and move towards Mina. 19. To spend the night at Mina. 20. To leave Mina for Arafaat after sunrise of the ninth day. 21. Deliverance of two Khutbahs, separated by a seated pause, before the joint Salaat of Zohr and Asr, which are both performed during the time of Zohr. (with the Imam). 22. To exert oneself during both these occasions in humility before Allaah Ta'aala with humble duaaas(prayers) concerning one's personal needs and well-being, as well as for one's parents, family and the Muslims in general. Any virtuous duaaa concerning both the worlds can be made with sincerity. 23. Thereafter, to proceed calmly and peacefully after sunset of the same (ninth) day towards Muzdalifah. Here one should stop taking heed not to be in close proximity at the lower valley near the mountain of Kuza. 24. To spend the night of Nahr (tenth) in Muzdalifah. 25. To spend the days of Mina (tenth, eleventh and twelfth) at Mina with all of one's belongings (which was brought with for the days of Hajj). It is Makrooh Tahrimi to despatch one's belongings to Makkah beforehand while one is still in Mina. 26. To stone the Jamaraat standing in such a position that Mina is towards the right and Makkah towards the left. 27. To stone the Jamaratul Aqabah (i.e. the last Jamara) each time while mounted upon a conveyance. The first Jamaarat (which is situated closest to the Masjid Khaif), and the middle one should be stoned while on foot. 28. To stand at the centre of the valley while stoning.29. To stone between sunrise and Zawaal on the first day and between Zawaal and sunset on the remaining days. It is Makrooh to stone between dawn (Subh Saadiq) and sunrise on the first and fourth days. Similarly it is Makrooh to stone during the nights of all three days. Although stoning at nights is Makrooh, it will be deemed valid since all the nights are subordinate to the days which follow them except the night which comes after the day of Arafaat (which is subordinate to the day preceding it). Therefore, the stay at Arafaat is valid during this night as well. This is the night of Eid. 30. The most appropriate time for stoning on the first day (tenth) is from after Zawaal up to sunset. From the aforementioned discourse the permissible, reprehensible and preferred times of stoning have been made apparent. 31. It is also a Sunnah practice for a Mufrid (i.e. one performing only Hajj) to slaughter an animal and eat from it. It is only permissible to consume from this sacrifice and those which are optional or of Tamattu or Qiraan (i.e. the sacrifice of a misdemeanour viz, Damm/Jinaayat cannot be consumed by the person offering the sacrifice). 32. It is also the Sunnah for a Khutbah (sermon) to be delivered on the day of Nahr (tenth); in which the remaining injunctions of Hajj are elucidated. This is the third Khutba of Hajj. 33. It is also Sunnat to leave Mina before sunset on the twelfth day if one desires to do so. If, however, one is still in Mina after sunset on this twelfth day then he would have erred (i.e. committed a Makrooh act) although no penalty will have accrued against him. If he remains at Mina up to daybreak (dawn) of the fourteenth day it will be necessary on him to stone on that (14th) day. 34. It is also Sunnat to camp at a place called Muhassab (also called Abtah) for a short duration after leaving from Mina. 35. Then one should drink Zam Zam to one's fill of Zam Zam while standing and facing the Ka'bah and gazing at it. Also to pour some upon one's head and body. Whatever duaaa a person makes when drinking Zam Zam is accepted, whether it concerns the Dunyaa or the Aakhirah. 36. It is also Sunnat to cling to the Multazam placing the chest and face on it. (the Multazam is that portion of the Ka'bah between the Hajre Aswad and the Door). One should also hold the cloth covering of the Ka'bah while making any supplication desired. 37. One could also kiss the door frame of the Ka'bah upon entering, with etiquette and respect. 38. After all this the only remaining act is one of the most virtuous of deeds which is the visiting of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)'s mausoleum and those of his Sahaabah (Radhiallahu-anhum). With this intention in mind one should leave Makkah from the door of Subeeka via the Thania Sufla. A separate section deals with the etiquettes of the visitation of the grave(Ziarat) Inshaa Allaah.

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