Tuesday 29 April 2014


This means to combine the Ihraam of Hajj with that of Umra. After performing the two rakaats of the Salaat of Ihraam one should recite:
Thereafter the Talbiyya is recited. Upon entering Makkah, the Tawaaf of Umrah(consisting of seven rounds) is performed wherein Ramal is carried out in the first three rounds.

Thereafter, two rakaats are performed followed by the walk up to Safaa wherein duaaa is made together with the recitation of the Takbir, Kalimah, Talbiyah and Durood upon Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Thereafter one descends towards Marwah jogging between the Meelain . Then seven rounds are completed in a like manner which completes the Umrah. (Umrah is a Sunnah practice). Then the Tawaaf of Qudoom (arrival) is performed for the Hajj, after which all the acts of Hajj as mentioned earlier, will be completed.
Once the person has pelted the Jamartul Aqabah on the day of Nahr (10th Zil Hijjah) the sacrifice of a goat/sheep or a seventh portion of a camel/cow or buffalo will be Waajib (compulsory) upon him. Should one be incapable of sacrificing an animal, he should observe three fasts before the onset of the Day of Nahr (10th) within the months of Hajj. Thereafter he should keep another seven fasts after completion of Hajj even though it be in Makkah after the Ayyaam-e- Nahr. It will be permissible to fast at random (i.e. interspacing the fasts with days wherein no fast is kept).One does not have to keep them consecutively.

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