Wednesday 23 April 2014


After the first Sajdah, the Musalli should sit up calmly placing the hands upon the thighs . thereafter recite Allaahu Akbar and perform the second Sajdah with ease. Once more the Tasbeeh “Subhana Rabbi yal a’al” is read at least three times with the same Sajdah posture. Thereafter lift the head from Sajdah saying “Allaahu Akbar” and stand up, without supporting the hands against the ground and without sitting. (Rise preferably on the toes). This completes one Rakaat.
The second Rakaat is performed like the first except there is no Thana and Ta’wwuz. Once the man has completed the two Shadahs of the second Rakaat , he should place his left foot flat upon the ground and sit thereon while keeping the right foot upright .The toes of the right foot should face the Qibla. The hands should be placed upon the thighs with the fingers apart.
Tashahud narrated by Hadhrat Ibn Muusad (RA) should be recited.
At tahiyyatu lilaahi, was salawatu wat tayibatu As salaamu alayka, ayyu han nabiyyu, wa Rahmatulaahi wa barakatu. As salaamu alayna, wa ala ibadillahis sauli heen. Ashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluhu.
“All types of perfect greeting are for Allaah and so too are all prayers and all that is good. Salutation is to you, O Nabi and also on you are Allaah’s mercy and blessings. Salutations to us to the pious servants of Allaah. I bear witness that there is no illah but Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Rasul.”
An indication with the forefinger of the right hand will be made , lifting it when reading the negation (i.e. when saying ‘LA’) and lowering it when reading the affirmation (when saying illal lahu). Nothing will be added to the Tashahud in the first Qaidah (sitting) of a four Rakaat Salaat.
Surah Fatiha will be read in all Rakaats after the first two Rakaats. On completing of all Rakaats, one will sit and read the Tashahud as above. Then read Durood upon Nabi (S.A.W).
“Allahumma salli ala Muhammadew, wa ala ali Muhammadin, Kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima Innaka hamidum majeed. Allahumma barik ala Muhammadew, wa ala ali Muhammadin, Kama barakta ala Ibrahima, wa ala ali Ibrahima, Innaka hamidum maajeed.”
Allaah, grant mercy on Muhammad and to the members of the family of Muhammad, as You granted mercy to Ibrahim and to the members of the family of Ibrahim. Allaah bless Muhammad and the members of the family of Muhammad, as you blessed Ibrahim and the members of the family of Ibrahim. Surely You are All Laudable, All Glorious.
Then a Duaa is recited from the Quraan or a Hadith. Usually this is read:
Allahumma, inni dhalamtu nafsi dhulman kathiran, wa innahu La yaghfirudh dhunuba illa anta fagh fir li maghfiratam min indika war hamni, innaka antal ghafur rur Raheem.
Allaah I have done tremendous wrong to my soul, and no one but you can forgive sins, so completely forgive me through Your special favor and bestow mercy upon me. Surely it is You who are the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The Salaam is made first to the right and then to the left. As salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.
May peace be upon you and also Allaah’s mercy.
The intention of the Salaam will be for all those who are with and details have already been previously explained.
Salaat with Jamaat for men who have no valid excuse is Sunnat Muakkidah.

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