Wednesday 23 April 2014


The Salaat of women is similar to that of men, apart from some variations in certain Shar’ie Directives that shall be outlined below. Women should study these Shar’ie Directives carefully and perform their Namaazes accordingly:-
1. At the time of “Takbeer -e- Tahreema”, the woman should lift up her hands till the shoulders, in such a manner that they are in line with the shoulders.
2. At the time of “Takbeer -e- Tahreema”, she should keep her hands underneath her veil, robe, etc.
3. After having executed the “Tahreema”, she should now place her hands on the chest.

4. The manner of doing this is that the palm of the right hand should rest on the back of the left hand.
5. The fingers of each hand should be kept well pressed so as to touch one another.
6. When going to Ruku , she should bend just sufficient enough as to let the fingers reach the knees.
7. The hands should be placed on the knees with the knees with the fingers of each hand pressed close together.
8. Both arms should be well pressed against the sides of the body.
9. The ankles should be joined as to touch each other.
10.The knees should be drawn close to each other so that they too touch.
11.The Sajdah should be performed in such a manner that the knees are first placed on the ground.
12.Thereafter, the hands should be placed on the ground in a way that they will finally rest in line with the ears.
13.The fingers should be well pressed together.
14.The head should be placed between the two hands.
15.While in Sajdah, both the nose and forehead should touch the ground.
16.The fingers and toes should all be made to face the Qiblah.
17.The feet should be kept straight but pointing outward towards the right.
18.While in Sajdah, her body should be kept contracted so that the stomach is pressed well against the sides of the body.
19.Her elbows should be placed flat on the ground.
20.After the second Sajdah of the second Rakaat, she should sit in Qaidah in such a way that her posterior rests on the ground.
21.The right thigh should be placed on the left thigh.
22.Both feet should be pointing outward towards the right.
23.Both hands should be placed on the thighs with the fingers joined to one another. The tips of the fingers should be close to the knees but not holding the knees or hanging over them.
24.Like the man, the woman should also, when reading the
“Kalimaa-e- Shahaadat” in Tashahud, close her tiny finger and the finger adjoining it (this is called “Aqd”) and at the same time, form a circle with the thumb and middle finger and lift the index finger when reading the words “LAAILLAAHA” (this sign is to indicate the oneness of Allaah Ta’ala). Then the finger should be dropped when uttering “ILLALLAHU” However, the closing, and circling mode of the fingers should be retained until the end of the Qaidah.

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