Wednesday 23 April 2014


When a man intends to perform Salaat he should remove his hands from his sleeves. Then he should raise his hand with the ears, palms facing Qibla and fingers neither spread nor closed together. This should be coupled with the making for intention of that Salaat. thereafter he should place the right hand upon the left below the navel immediately after the Tahrima without delay.

Now the Thana will be read Subhanaka, Allahumma, wa bihamdika, wa tabarakas muka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghayruk.
Pure are You, Ya Allaah. Praise belongs to You. Blessed is Your name. Exalted is Your dominion. There is no illah but You.
Every Musalli should read Thana. Then the Ta’wwuz is read silently for the Qiraat. The Masbuq (late comer) will also read it but not the Muqtadi (follower).
Ta’awuz is:
A udhu billahi mina shaytaunir rajeem
I seek the protection of Allaah from Satan the rejected.
Then read Tasmia silently. Tasmia should be read only before Surah Fatiha in every Rakaat. (It will also be valid to recite it before the Surah following the Fatiha).
Tasmia is:
Bis milla hir Rahma nir Raheem.
In the name of Allaah, most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Then Surah Fatiha should be read.
After the Fatiha the Imaam and the followers should say Aamin silently (i.e. voice should be audible to oneself).
Then a Surah or three Ayats should be read. Then say Allaahu Akbar and calmly bow into Ruku, keeping the head and buttocks at the same level, clasping the knees with the hands, spreading the fingers and recite this Tasbeeh three times.
Subhana Rabi yal Adheem
Glorified is my Rabb, the Greatest.
[The saying of Allaahu Akbar should start with the bowing .]
Then lift the head calmly saying,
Sami Allaahu li man Hamida
Rabbana lakal Hamd.
Allaah hears one who praises Him.
Rabb, to You belongs all types of complete praise.
This is for the Imaam and the Munfarid.
The Muqtadi should only say Rabbana lakal Hamd.
Then proceed to Sajdah saying Allaahu Akbar, placing the knees on the ground first, then the hands and thereafter the face between the palms.
Prostrate with the nose and forehead and do so in a state of ease and calm. Glorify Allaah by reciting this Tasbeeh at least three times.
Subhana Rabbi yal a’la
Glorified is my Rabb, the most Exalted while the head is on the ground.
The abdomen should be kept away from the thighs, the arms away from the armpits and if there is no crowd, direct the toes and fingers towards the Qibla.

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