Sunday 13 July 2014


There are 3 types of Ginseng: Asian or Panax, American and Siberian ginseng. There seems to be few reported side effects from ginseng consumption. However, there is always risks in its high intake and taking it over a prolonged period of time. Interactions with certain drugs can be dangerous. For example, mixing ginseng with warfarin can lead to bleeding. Start low and go slow on any ginseng product. Avoid taking it when pregnant or nursing.
Dried ginseng root may be powdered and taken in capsule form or brewed as tea. Extracts can also be applied externally. Find the instructions for proper dosage when purchasing any type of ginseng. Ginseng relieves stress (siberian ginseng), improves stamina (siberian ginseng), regulates blood pressure (asian / american), enhances immunity (asian / american), treats diabetes (asian / american) and acts as a tonic to regulate and strengthen body functions (all types).

Take ginseng and the herb gotu kola together in capsules to prevent senility, improve the memory, and to promote mental endurance.

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