Sunday 13 July 2014


Garlic contains vitamins B and C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, protein and traces of minerals including selenium and sulphur. It also contains traces of iodine and chlorine. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal activity. It has shown long-term benefit for recurrent yeast infections. As an antiseptic, the use of garlic has long been recognized. In the late war, garlic was widely employed in the control of suppuration in wounds.

Garlic reduces the risk of heart trouble and cancer, strengthens the immune & digestive systems, heals infections, kills intestinal parasites, helps overcome body weaknesses, regulates both high and low blood pressure and helps lower blood cholesterol levels (alone or with low-fat diet). It prevents blood clots and formation of artery blocking plaque deposits, thins and purifies blood, dissolves mucus accumulation in the sinus cavities, bronchial tubes and lungs, inactivates digestion and absorption of dietary fat, has growth-inhibiting effect on a wide variety of microbes (kills inhabiting bacteria in food). Garlic treats asthma, TB, pneumonia, lumbago, arthritis, rheumatism and pain in the joints. Garlic is also an appetite stimulant.
General use
Eat regularly 1 or 2 clove a day. Garlic powder is the best to be taken as supplement with 1/3 teaspoon = 5000mcg of allicin (the equivalent of 1 fresh clove).
Take garlic extractions or juices as it retards the growth of tumor and has been used successfully against cancer in both animals and human.
Cuts, wounds, inflammations
Apply garlic oil to the inflamed area. Cover with gauze to keep clean. Take garlic to clear up an infection. Apply garlic as an antiseptic dressing 1x a day over an ulcer. It also reduces pain in short time.
Eat it pure or take 1 garlic capsule 2x a day.
Chewing garlic cures the infected mucous membranes reduces temperature and provides relief. Ear, hearing problems Take lecithin and garlic supplements to fight ear infections. Insect bite Apply locally garlic oil.
Whooping cough
Take garlic syrup regularly for frequent coughing spells.

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