Monday 2 June 2014


Hadhrat Suhaib (R.A) narrates from Rasulullah (sallallahualayhi‐ wa‐sallam) that when the people of Jannah will enter Jannah and the inmates of Jahannam will enter Jahannam, a caller will announce, "Oh people of Jannah! Allah wishes to fulfil the promise that he made to you.' They will enquire, "What can this bounty be?
Has Allah not caused our scales to be weighty, our faces to be illuminated, admitted us into Jannah and saved us from Jahannam?"
The veils will then be lifted (from Allah) and the people of Jannah will see Allah. Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) added, "By Allah! There will be nothing more beloved and better for the people of Jannah." (May Allah bless us all with this privilege. Aameen.)

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