Monday 2 June 2014


Hadhrat Anas (R.A) narrates that once Hadhrat Jibraeel (A.S) came to Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) with a bright mirror wherein there was a black spot. When Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) asked him what the mirror was, he replied, "This is the day of Jumu'ah and the spot is that moment in every Jumu'ah (wherein du’aas are accepted). You and your ummah have been favoured above the previous ummahs with this. There is a moment during this day wherein every du'aa is accepted.

This day is the day of ‘Mazeed." Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) enquired, "What is the day of 'Mazeed?" Hadhrat Jibraeel (A.S) replied, "Allah has created a valley in Jannah wherein there is a container of musk. Every Jumu'ah, pulpits of celestial light are placed therein and the Ambiyaa (A.S) ascend them. There are also golden pulpits studded with rubies and crystal whereupon the Siddiqeen, martyrs and righteous people will sit. The people of Ghuraf (the average person of Jannah) will sit on hillocks nearby. They will all engage in praising Allah."
Allah will tell them, "Supplicate to Me and all your supplications will be accepted." They will all pray for Allah’s pleasure. Thereupon Allah will say, "I am pleased with all of you. I granted you a place in My home and conferred honour upon you." Thereafter Allah’s brilliance will be made manifest to them and they all will witness it. Due to this extra bounty, they will not find any day more beloved to them than the day of Jumu'ah.
According to one narration, Allah will tell the angels, "Feed My friends." They will then serve various types of foods, each morsel having a different taste. They will then be served various types of drinks by Allah’s command, each sip having a different taste.
Thereafter Allah will tell them, "I am your Rabb and I have fulfilled that promise that I had made to you. I will now fulfil whatever requests you make." The people of Jannah will repeatedly say that they only desire Allah’s pleasure. Allah will tell them, "I am pleased with you and I have something else with Me. Today I will bestow such a bounty on you that is superior to all of this."
Consequently, the veils will be removed and everyone will witness Allah’s magnificence. They will immediately fall into prostration and will remain in this position until Allah tells them, "Raise your heads. This is not a place of worship." The people of Jannah will forget all the bounties of Jannah upon witnessing this sight. Then a strong wind will blow from beneath the Arsh. Musk will emanate from a white container and fall on their heads and on the foreheads of their horses. When they return to their abodes, their wives will say, "Today you have returned even more handsome than you were."
Hadhrat Ikrama (R.A) reports that the men and women of Jannah will all be youths of 33 years. They will all be extremely good looking and will each wear seventy sets of clothing. They will see their reflections on the faces, chests and calves of their spouses. A hadith mentions that if a damsel of Jannah has to expose her palm from the heavens, it would illuminate the entire universe.

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