Thursday 24 April 2014


The Salaat is Wajib (compulsory). It consists of 3 Rakaats with one Salaam. Surah Fatiha and a Surah are recited in every Rakaat, with a sitting at the end of the first 2 Rakaats wherein Tashahud is read.
The Thana is not recited when one has stood up for the 3rd Rakaat.
After reciting the Surah in the 3rd Rakaat, the hands should be raised up to the ears saying, “Allaahu Akbar”, then the hands should be folded on the waist (for menwomen on the chest) and then the Qunoot should be recited in a standing position, thereafter ruku should be performed.

The Qunoot is not recited in any other Salaat besides the Witr Salaat.
Qunoot means Dua (supplication) and is as follows:
Allaahumma inna nasta eenuka wa nastagh firuka was nu’minu bika wa natawkkalu alayka, wa nuthni alaykal khayr. Wa nash kuruka wa la nak furuka, wa nakh la u wa nat ruku mayyaf juruk. Allaahumma, iyyaka na’budu, wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas aa wa nah fidu wa nar ju rahmataka wa nakh sha atha baka, inna atha baka bil kuffari mul hiq.
“Allaah we pray to You for help, for forgiveness, and we turn to You in repentance. We believe in You and we have put trust in you. We praise You for the good You have bestowed on us, and we are grateful to You and not ungrateful to You. We abandon him who commits unlawful acts. Allaah, You alone we worship, for You alone do we perform Salaat, for You alone do we make Sajdah, to You alone is directed our spiritual endeavor, and to You alone do we make devotional acts, we hope for Your mercy and we fear Your punishment, surely Your punishment will be meted out to the infidels.”
The Muqtadi should, like the Imaam, also recite the Qunoot (silently).
The one who cannot read Qunoot correctly should read,
a. Allaahummagh fir li (Allaah forgive me) - 3 times, or
b. The Duaa :
Rab bana atina fid duniya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban naar.
“Our Rabb grant us good in this world and in the akhirat, and save us from the punishment of the fire.”
1. When following the Imaam in Fajr who recites the Qunoot then one should remain standing silently with hands loosely on the sides.
2. If one forgets to read the Qunoot and recalls it while in Ruku orwhile getting up from Ruku, then the Qunoot should be omitted but Sajdah e Sahw should be made.
3. If the Qunoot is recited after rising from Ruku, the Ruku should be repeated and Sajdah e Sahw is to be made because the Qunoot had been removed from its original position.
4. If the Imaam goes into Ruku before the Muqtadi can complete reciting the Qunoot or before he even begins reciting it, and he fears missing the Ruku altogether, then he should follow the Imaam.
5. If the Imaam leaves out the Qunoot, the Muqtadi should recite it if he is able to join the Imaam in Ruku thereafter. If not he should follow the Imaam.
6. If the Muqtadi joins the Imaam in the Ruku of the third Rakaat of the Witr Salaat he will have joined in the Qunoot as well and will not have to recite it in the missed Rakaats, which he will be repeating.
7. The Witr is performed in Jamaat during Ramadhaan only.
8. In Ramadhaan it is more excellent to perform Witr in congregation then to perform it individually during the last portion of the night according to Qazi Khan. This is the correct view although others have stated opposite.

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