Thursday 24 April 2014


1. The Tarawih Salaat is Sunnat for men and women. Its performance in Jamaat is Sunnat e Muakkidah alal Kifaya. Its time is after Esha Salaat. it will be valid to perform the Witr before the Tarawih as well as delaying the Witr to after the Witr.
2. It is Mustahab to delay the Tarawih to after a third of the night has passed or midway through the night and delaying it to a time after this will not be Makrooh.

3. The Tarawih Salaat comprises of 20 Rakaats with 10 Salaams. It is Mustahab to be seated after every 4 Rakaats for the duration of time it takes to perform 4 Rakaats. Sitting is also Mustahab between the fifth resting posture and the Witr.
4. It is Sunnats to complete the recitation of a Quraan once in Tarawih during the month. If the people get tired then so much should be recited which will not lead to their displeasure.
5. Recitation of Durood upon Nabi (S.A.W) must not be omitted in every Tashahud even though the people become tired.
Neither should the Thana and Tsabihs of Ruku and Sajdah be omitted.
The Duaa may be excluded if the people are tired.
6. The Tarawih cannot be repeated if missed individually or in Jamaat.

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