Tuesday 29 April 2014

VISITING THE GRAVE OF RASUL (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) (PART 4)

Pray to Allaah for us so that we may perpetually love you, may be included in your company on the Day of Resurrection, and that our visit to you may be accepted by Him.
May peace be upon you and also Allaah’s mercy and His blessings.
Then you will move the measure of one cubit so that you will be opposite the head of Umar ibn al-Khattaab(RA) who is buried by the side of Abu Bakr(RA). Standing here you will read the salutation:
May peace be upon you, O the Commander of the Faithful! May peace be upon you, O upholder of Islam! May peace be upon you, O the one who broke the idols! May Allaah grant you the best reward on behalf of us.

Indeed you tremendously helped Islaam and the Muslims, conquered most of the territories after the Chief of Rasuls (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), cared for the orphans, did good to your people, and strengthened Islaam. For the Muslims you were a leader with whom they all were pleased, and a guide who was himself guided aright. You reunited them, assisted the needy among them and consoled the broken-hearted.
May peace be upon you and also Allaah’s Mercy and His blessings.
Then you will return by the measure of a half a cubit and will read the following salutation:
May peace be upon you both, O the two most intimate men to the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah (may Allaah bless him and greet him), his two special companions, his two viziers, his two councillors, his two assistants in the establishment of the religion, and the two caliphs who, after him, completely devoted themselves to the welfare of the Muslims. May Allaah grant both of you the best recompense.We have come to both of you to use you to approach the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah may Allaah bless him and greet him) so that he may intercede to Allaah for us and ask Allaah, our Rabb, to accept our efforts, to enable us to live in keeping with his Deen and to die with belief in it [when death comes], and to include us in His company on the Day of Resurrection.
After this, you will pray to Allaah for the good of yourself, for your parents, for those who requested you to pray for them, and for all other Muslims.
Then you will stand near the head of Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah in the manner in which you stood first, and will pray:
Allaah, You said - and Your saying is true -, “If, when they [i.e. believers] had done wrong to their souls, they had come to you [ i.e. Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)] and asked forgiveness of Allaah and Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also had asked forgiveness for them, they would have surely found Allaah Oftreturning with compassion, Ever Merciful”. So we have come to You, hearing Your saying, obeying Your command, and asking You for the intercession of Your Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
‘Allaah, our Rabb, forgive us, our fathers, our mothers and our brethren who preceded us in the faith, and do not permit any feeling of rancour to arise in our minds against those who have belief, Rabb, You are Compassionate, Ever Merciful’.
‘Rabb, grant us the good in this world as well as the good in the Aakhiraat-( Hereafter), and safeguard us against the punishment of Jahannam’. ‘Blessed is your Rabb, the Rabb of honour far above that which they [i.e. the polytheists] describe of Him. May peace be upon Rasuls (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Praise be to Allaah, the Rabb of all the worlds.’

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