Tuesday 29 April 2014

VISITING THE GRAVE OF RASUL (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)(PART 3)

Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah, we have come to visit you and to visit your sacred place, and we are honoured by appearing in front of you. We have come to you from remote lands and distant places, traversing smooth and rough roads, with the intention of visiting you in order that we may be successful in obtaining your intercession, in looking at the things and places connected with your life, in fulfilling some of our duties towards you, and in asking for your intercession to our Rabb - for sins have broken our backs and crimes have overburdened our shoulders - and you are the intercessor granted the right of intercession and the one promised with the greatest intercession, the most laudable station and the means to obtain salvation.
Allaah (exalted is He!) declared “If, when they (i.e. the believers) had done wrong to their souls, they had come to you (i.e. the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)) and asked forgiveness of Allaah and Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had asked forgiveness for them, they would have surely found Allaah oft-turning with compassion, Ever Merciful. And we have come to you having done wrong to our souls and seeking forgiveness for our sin. So intercede for us to your Rabb and pray to Him that He may cause us to die in the state of observing your Sunnah, that He may include me in your company on the Day of Qiyaamat, that He may allow me to come to your well in Jannat and to drink from its water with your cup, without being humiliated and ashamed.Your intercession I pray for, your intercession, O Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah!
Rabb forgive us and our brethren who preceded us in the faith, and do not permit any feeling of rancour to arise in our minds against those who have believed. Rabb, surely You are Compassionate, Ever Merciful.
You will also convey to Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) the salutations of those who requested you to do so. So you will say:
May peace be upon you, O Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah, from so-and-so! He asks for your intercession to your Rabb. So intercede for him and for all other Muslims.(As-salamu ‘alayka ya Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Allaahi, min fulanin ibni fulanin yatashaffa’u bika ila rabbika. fa-shfa’ lahu wa lil-muslimina).
Then you will invoke blessings on Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and pray to Allaah for whatever you like, standing near his countenance in such a way that the direction of Makkah remains behind you.
After this you will move the measure of one cubit so that you will be opposite the head of Abu Bakr Siddiq(RA) who is buried by the side of the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Standing here you will read the following salutation:
May peace be upon you, O successor of the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of Allaah (May Allaah bless and greet him). May peace be upon you, O companion of Allaah’s Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), his companion in the cave, his companion in travels, and one who is trusted with this confidence. May Allaah grant you such a reward on our behalf as is better than the reward to be granted to any leader on behalf of his Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)’s community.
Indeed you succeeded the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as the best successor, walked on his way and his path in the best manner, fought against the apostates and heretics, arranged the affairs of Islaam, and strengthened its pillars. Thus you became a good leader. You did good to your people. Until death you never departed from the way of the just, and from helping the religion and its followers.

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