Saturday 18 March 2017

Allaah Ta`ala is one

Allaah Ta`ala is one, He has no partner. It is stated in the Qur`aan Majeed (Say –O Muhammad (sallAllaahu alayhi wasallam)! He is Allaah The One.). This is a proof on the Oneness of Allaah Ta`ala which is mentioned in the Qur`aan Majeed. “If there was for the heavens and the earth another deity but Allaah the two of them would be destroyed.” An explanation for this is, Ibaadat (worship) is a term attributed to total and complete subservience – and total subservience can only be before such a Being who is perfect in Being and Attributes. We call such a Being Allaah. It is absolutely imperative that the Being of Allaah Ta`ala is free and pure from all types of flaws and deficiencies. He is not deficient in any particular aspect nor superfluous, nor helpless, nor overwhelmed, nor suppressed by anyone, and none can hinder His operations. Now if we assume that if there were two deities for the heavens and the earth then both of them should be of this nature (as explained in the previous lines). It should now be seen whether in the creation of the universe, from top to bottom, there was complete amity between the two of them or if there was an occasional difference of opinion. There are two possibilities in the event of amity – either the work could not be accomplished by one alone hence it was completed by the two of them together. In this case it is obvious that neither one of the two of them have complete power and ability. If either one of them was able to execute the whole task on his own then the need for the second would be superfluous, whereas the belief in the existence of a deity necessitates that not an atom in the universe is able to function without His active involvement and power. If we assume that was a difference of opinion between the two deities then it is obvious that the end result can only be the decision of one. This would mean that the other was overpowered and therefore cannot be called a deity. Or both are completely equal in power and strength where they are able to match each other. In this case— Allaah forbid – firstly, amidst this tug-o-war between the deities nothing could have come into existence in the first place or had anything come into existence it would be destroyed and annihilated in this struggle. The result of this would be that if there were two deities for the heaven and the earth, then the present system would never be able to function so flawlessly and one of the two deities would end up being superfluous, deficient and helpless. Since this has been established that Allaah Ta`ala has no partners then it follows that He has no son or daughter as well. The reason being that children are of the same species as their father. Even though Zaid may not be identical to his father, they do nonetheless share the common quality of being humans. Similarly, if Allaah Ta`ala had a son then he would also be a partner to the qualities of deity. He would also be a deity like Allaah Ta`ala. For this reason Allaah Ta`ala says: (“He is pure from that He has children”).

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