Sunday 13 July 2014


The Curry Leaf, or its scientific name, Murraya Koenigi, has been known to be used in cooking, especially in Indian foods. Not surprisingly, it can be easily found in the Himalayas. Fresh curry leaves contain 2.6% oil, and its aromatic qualities beta-caryophyllene, beta-gurjenene, beta-elemene, beta-phellandrene, beta-thujene, alpha-selinene, beta-bisabolene, beta-transocimene and beta-cadinene.
All parts of the curry plant can be used, including its fruit, stalk and roots. The aroma of the curry leaves will lose its potency when dried, so use them when fresh.

Soak curry leaves in hot water. Mix with honey before drinking.
For nausea during pregnancy, drink every morning a mixture of curry leaves juice with 2 teaspoons lime juice and 1 teaspoon sugar. The curry leaves juice makes about 15-20% of the whole mixture.
Stomach problem
When the leaves, root, bark, stalk and flowers of the curry plant are boiled and drunk, it relieves stomach discomfort. When the leaves are eaten raw, it relieves diarrhea.
Spots and rashes
Boil curry leaves with cows' milk and apply on troubled spots.
Snake bite
Drink a mixture of curry leaves tea, grounded raw turmeric and salt.

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