Tuesday 17 June 2014


Truthfulness, fulfilling of promises and guarding trusts are all actions that relate to Allah and man as well. Truthfulness to Allah means that a person admits to Allah’s Oneness and recites the Kalimah with sincerity. Saying anything untrue constitutes lying to people, and cannot be condoned.

It is also compulsory for people to fulfil the pledge that they took with Allah before time (i.e. the pledge to accept Allah as their Rabb.) As far as possible, man should fulfil the pledges and promises that he makes to another person.
Imaan, the faraaidh and all the commands of Allah are trusts that Allah has placed in the custody of people. They should ensure that they fulfil these. Similarly, the trusts and secrets that people are entrusted with should also be duly kept with diligence.

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