Tuesday 10 June 2014


1. Salaat.
2. Fasting.
3. Reading of an Ayat of the Quraan.
4. Touching of the Quraan (one can hold it with a separate piece of cloth).
5. To enter the Masjid.

6. Tawaaf.
7. Cohabitation.
8. To take passionate advantage of a woman from under the navel to above the knee.
9. When the maximum time period of Haiz or Nifaas and bleeding stops then cohabitation without Ghusal is permissible but if the bleeding stops before its normal time, then it is not permissible without Ghusal.
N.B. Salaat should not be missed for it is Farz. After the expiry of Haidh or Nifaas.
10. If, after the bleeding has stopped there is so much time in which Ghusal and Takbeer Tahrima or more can be made, the Salaat missed will have to be redeemed (made Qaza).
Qaza of fasts missed during Haiz or Nifaas is necessary but Qaza of Salaat is not.

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