Friday 20 June 2014


Abu Abdullah Al Qurashi (R.A) narrates that a person travelled seven hundred miles to ask a learned scholar seven questions viz.
1. What is heavier than the skies?
2. What is wider than the earth?
3. What is harder than a stone?

4. What burns more than fire?
5. What is colder than Zamhareer (a cold area of Jahannam)?
6. What is deeper than the oceans?
7. What is weaker than an orphan, yet more deadly than poison?

The replies were:

1. Slandering a chaste person is heavier than the skies.
2. The truth is wider than the earth.
3. The disbeliever's heart is harder than a stone.
4. Greed burns more than fire.
5. To be refused a request by a relative is colder than Zamhareer.
6. A content heart (of a patient person) is deeper than the oceans.
7. When the fabrication of a tale is exposed, it is more deadly than poison and the tale carrier then becomes weaker than an orphan and is humiliated.

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