Saturday 14 June 2014


Allah’s Arsh will shade seven categories of people on the Day of Qiyamah, when there shall not be any other shade. These shall be:
1. The just ruler.
2. The youth who engaged in Allah’s worship.
3. The person who’s heart is attached to the masjid.
4. Those two persons who love each other solely for Allah’s pleasure.

5. The person who sheds tears when remembering Allah in seclusion (this is a sign of sincerity).
6. The person who spends so secretly in charity that he does not even know how much he spends.
7. The person who, when he is seduced by a beautiful woman, withdraws saying, "I fear Allah!"
A general and widespread punishment does not afflict the masses due to the sins of certain people. However, when sin becomes rampant and no one attempts to forbid it, then all and sundry are swept up in the wake of Allah’s punishment. [Hadhrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (R.A)]
Faqih Abul Laith (R.A) says that Allah once revealed to Rasulullah Hadhrat Yusha bin Noon (A.S) that He would soon destroy 40,000 pious people of his nation and 60,000 of the sinful ones. He submitted, "The destruction of the sinful ones are understood, but why should the pious ones be destroyed?" Allah replied, "The pious ones did not forbid the evil and did not even consider the sins as an evil. In fact, they continued to eat, drink and mix with the sinners."

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