Wednesday 4 June 2014

Self-imposed Obligations about RIGHTS

The foregoing obligations are those the discharge of which initially devolves on man. In addition to these there are some obligations which man himself has imposed upon himself.
Some of these rights are due to Allah which are of three kinds.

First Kind:
A right that arises out of some sort of worship to Allah is called Nazar (a votive offering). If a man pledges to perform some prescribed worship it is called Nazar. It is an obligation to offer that worship. On the other hand, if it is an un-prescribed worship, its offering is only a desirable act. If the worship falls in the category of permissible acts it is meaningless and ignorable. If the pledged offer is a sin, its fulfilment is unlawful. To make pledges of offer in a name other than Allah’s name amounts to Shirk (idolatry).
Second Kind:
It is a right that arises out of some permissible act. For example the expiation of a permissible oath and fasting as compensation for the fasts missed by a traveller or a sick person during Ramazan; it is compulsory to discharge these rights.
Third Kind:
These are rights which arise from the commission of some sins, as the legal punishments and expiations which become due as obligatory rights on account of breaking fasts without any legal cause or murder by mistake or Zihar (calling one’s wife as mother). It is obligatory to discharge these rights also.
These are rights which arise from optional causes. Of these some rights are due to the servants of Allah.
They also fall into three kinds.
First Kind:
To keep a promise in a form of obedience. It is imperative. To be negligent in keeping promise has been described as a mark of hypocrisy.
Second Kind:
The right that arises out of a permissible affair as the liability of a debt. There are liabilities which are just like debt, e.g., to accept a sale; submission (to her husband) by a married wife of her self; to hand over the property concerned to the pre-emptor; to pay the price of purchase; to pay the dower; to pay the wages of a labourer; to repay a debt and return a trust. These are all obligatory duties.
Third Kind:
That right which arises out of some sin/crime, e.g., to commit murder; to steal or betray a trust; to defame anyone by foul talk or backbiting. To compensate for these crimes or get them forgiven is an obligatory liability, failing which in the Hereafter one will have to surrender the rewards of one’s worship and good deeds or undergo severe punishment.

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