Sunday 1 June 2014

Rights of Muslims in General

In addition to near and dear ones and common Muslims have also some rights. Isbahani has mentioned these rights in his book Targhib wa Tarheeb from a narrative of Hazrat Ali (R.A.A.).
These are as follows:
1. If a Muslim brother commits a fault, excuse him.
2. Show him mercy when he weeps.

3. Conceal his weaknesses and shortcomings.
4. Accept his apology.
5. Try to remove his difficulties.
6. Wish and work always for his well-being.
7. Protect and love him.
8. Give him concession, if he is indebted or burdened.
9. Pay him visits when he is sick.
10. When he dies take part in his funeral and burial.
11. When he invites you accept his invitation.
12. Accept his gift.
13. Repay his good turns with goodness.
14. Give him thanks when you receive some blessings from him.
15. Help him in times of need.
16. Help and protect his family and children.
17. Supply his needs.
18. Respond to his prayer.
19. Accept his recommendation.
20. Do not disappoint him, if he asks you for anything.
21. If after sneezing he says “Al-ham-du lillaah” (praise be to Allah), respond to him by saying “yar-ha-mu-kal-laah” (may Allah have mercy on you).
22. If you come across his missing things, convey them to him.
23. Respond to his greeting.
24. Talk to him politely and amicably.
25. Always do good to him.
26. If he swears for anything, trusting upon you, fulfil his oath.
27. Help him, if someone does him wrong, so as to stop the wrongdoer from his wrongdoing.
28. Be friendly and do not be inimical to him.
29. Do not defame him.
30. Desire for him what you desire for yourself.
31. Some other traditions contain the following additional rights:
32. Salute him, and better, shake hands with him when you meet him.
33. If by chance a quarrel occurs between you and another Muslim reconcile the difference soon and do not stop conversation with him for more than three days.
34. Do not think ill of him.
35. Do not envy and hate him.
36. Enforce the rights and forbid the wrong to the best of your ability.
37. Be respectful to elders and kind to youngers.
38. If two Muslims fall out with each other, try to make peace between them.
39. Do not backbite another Muslim.
40. Do not cause him harm in any way, neither in wealth nor in honour.
41. Help him if he is unable to mount a conveyance or to load something on it.
42. Do not occupy his seat by depriving him of it.
43. Where there are three persons the two of them should not talk to each other by ignoring the third person. It should be remembered that the rights up to No. 30 are of a special nature, but the holders of those rights are also entitled to the rights mentioned at 31 to 42.

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