Wednesday 4 June 2014

Removal of exaggerated emphasis on the rights of Parents

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Praise be to Allah and blessings on His Prophet
The compiler of this pamphlet has observed since long that many Muslim brethren exaggerate in discharging the rights of Parents to such an extent that this leads to violations of the rights of other claimants. In this way they also disobey Almighty Allah, and they insist that what they are doing is according to the rules of the Shari’ah.
They try to justify their stand by quoting irrelevant Quranic verses and traditions. As this is all very painful I decided to compile with the help of Allah a pamphlet to bring out the truth about the rights of Parents vis-a-vis the rights of others, so that the rights of one group may not be ignored by giving undue importance to the rights of another group.
It may be noted that Almighty Allah has created us for his own worship and obedience which is the main aim of our lives and the duties which Allah has imposed on us of serving and obeying others of His creatures are subordinate to the Main Aim. The Main Aim, viz., Allah’s obedience and worship have, therefore, preference over all other forms of service and devotion. With the help of Quranic verses and Traditions I am going to clarify in this pamphlet what is the Main Aim and what are subordinate matters.
The intention of this pamphlet is to put all high and low on the right path and to remove from their minds the confusion about the due rights and liabilities of all persons as determined in the law of the Shair’ah.

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