Saturday 28 June 2014


Qadha means to fulfill or to compensate fasts which were not executed when they were due.
(1) It is necessary to make qadha of Saum as soon as possible since one does not know when death will overtake one. While it is not Wajib to make the qadha immediately after Ramadhan or on any other specific day/ s, qadha should not be unnecessarily delayed.
(2) Qadha Saum belongs to the second class of Wajib fasting. For the validity of Qadha Saum it is essential to make niyyat during the night, i.e. before Subah Sadiq.

(3) Saum omitted on account of haidh and nifas has to be made qadha.
(4) It is not necessary to specify in one's niyyat for qadha the particular day/s which were omitted. It will suffice to merely intend that: "I am keeping qadha fast", However, if the Saum missed be longs to more than one Ramadhan, then it will be essential to specify in one's niyyat for qadha the year, e.g. "I am making qadha of the Saum of Ramadhan of the year 1409", etc.
(5) It is not obligatory to keep the qadha Saum all at once (consecutively). The qadha Saum may be spread over a period or they may be kept consecutively.
(6) Saum which Is broken in any way whatsoever, deliberately or erroneously, voluntarily or under compulsion, has to be made qadha.
(7) qadha has also to be made of Nafl fasts which were broken.
(8) Qadha has also to be made of Nathr Muayyan fasts which were not executed on their specified days.
(9) If by the time death approaches, the qadha has not yet been discharged, it will then be obligatory to make a wasiyyat (bequest) for payment of Fidyah .
(10) Similarly, if due to old age or sickness one is unable to fast and the qadha has not yet been executed, wasiyyat to pay Fidyah will be Wajib (obligatory).

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