Monday 30 June 2014


(1)  Indulgence in futile acts, nonsensical and idle conversation are also negatory of the benefits of Saum.
(2) Fasting acts as a protecting shield for the Sa-im (fasting person) as long as he does not destroy his Saum with sin.
(3) Among the sins which destroy the benefits of Saum, the worst is Gheebat (to speak ill of others in their absence),
Gheebat also produces physical weakness during Saum. The fast thus becomes very difficult to observe.
(4) The thawab and spiritual benefits of saum are eliminated by commission of sin during the state of fasting.
(5) While it is necessary to remember Allah Ta'ala at all times, the need for Thikrullah is greater during the fast, This greatly improves the spirituality of the fasting person and is very efficacious in bringing one closer to Allah Ta'ala.
(6) The dua of the fasting person is readily accepted by Allah Ta'ala, especially his dua at the time of iftar.
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
"Everything has a gateway. The gateway of ibadat is fasting".
Explaining the benefits of fasting, Imam Ghazali (rahmatullah alayh) says:
"Fasting overpowers shaitan, the enemy of Allah because the base of all carnal desires is the stomach. By filling the stomach, lust exhibits its actions. Shaitan, by manipulating these carnal desires, targets man as his prey. When the Muslim adopts hunger by fasting and the lustful desires weaken in consequence, shaitan is beaten into defeat and despondency".
'Ensure (fiat (The food with which you make iftar is halal without the slightest vestige of doubt. Do not eat so much that the body feels heavy. The aim of the fast is defeated in so doing"

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