Tuesday 10 June 2014


For Tayammum to be valid, there are nine conditions:
1. Intention.
1.1. To make the heart steadfast (certain) upon doing an action.
1.2. The intention should be made when putting the hands on the thing upon which Tayammum is to be made.
Furthermore, the underlying should be present in the intention:
a. Intention of obtaining purity.
b. For the performance of Salaat.

c. For performing such an Ibadat that is not valid without purity, e.g. Salaat, Quraan Tilaawat, etc.
Thus if a person who is in a state of major impurity (needs Ghusal) and there is no water – makes Tayammum for reading Quraan, he cannot perform Salaat with the same Tayammum.
2. Tayammum is permissible under the following conditions:
2.1. To be one (1) mile away from water even if one is in the city (here is the qualification – if you reach the water before the expiry time of Salaat, then you will have to make Wudhu, if not, then Tayammum will have to be made).
2.2. To be sick (or due to a cold) when there is a fear that on using water, the condition will worsen.
2.3. Due to fear of an enemy (in battle, etc).
2.4. Due to thirst (if there is so little water that if you make Wudhu then no water will be left for drinking).
2.5. When the little water has to be used for cooking flour (basic simple survival diet) but not for curry.
2.6. Non availability of any instrument (e.g. rope or bucket) for the removal of water from the well.
2.7. On fearing that Salaat-e-Janaazah is going to be missed, but if one can join one Takbeer of the Janaazah Salaat then Wudhu is necessary.
2.8. If one fears missing the Salaam of Eid Salaat, then Tayammum is permissible (there is no Qaza Salaat for Janaazah or Eid).
2.9. One cannot make Tayammum due to fear of missing Jumuah, because can be made of Jumuah (i.e. Zohr).
3. Tayammum should be made on such a substance that is of the earth, e.g. soil, sand, stone, sea sand, (that which does not burn, melt or turn into ash).
4. Tayammum cannot be made on wood, silver or gold.
5. To wipe (covering) he whole area by rubbing so that not even a tiny area is left untouched.
6. To rub (Masah) with the whole hand or with most of the hand (i.e. three fingers or more). It is not permissible to rub with two fingers even if done repeatedly (this is allowed in Wudhu only).
7. Tayammum is made by striking inside (palms) of the hands twice on sand (even if these two strikes are done on one place). If there was sand or soil on the body, then this can substitute for the two strikes, if the hand was pressed over the body with the intention of Tayammum.
8. Tayammum which replaces Wudhu (i.e. to be free from major impurities such as Janaabat, Haiz, Nifaas).
9. To first remove the non-porous substance that prevent the dust from reaching the parts of Tayammum, e.g. wax, fat, etc.

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