Wednesday 21 May 2014


Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) has said, "Winter is a blessing for the Mu'min. The nights are long, thereby enabling longer hours of worship. The days are short, thereby resulting in shorter fasts."
He has also said, "The night is long, so do not shorten it with sleep. The day is bright, so do not darken it with your sins."

A person should be content and happy with whatever Allah gives. If a person attains contentment and satisfaction, then he should consider these as blessings and be thankful to Allah. He should not aspire for the wealth that has been given to others. All actions can be performed before death, therefore life should be regarded as a blessing and exploited to the full.
Someone has mentioned golden words in Persian when he said, "If childhood is spent in play, old age in laziness, and youth in mischief, when will one worship Allah?"

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