Friday 23 May 2014

The reality of Jannah:

Hadhrat Abu Huraira (R.A) narrates that the Sahabah (R.A) once asked Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wasallam) what Jannah was made of. He replied, "From water."
Thereupon they asked, "We wish to know about the buildings of Jannah." Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) said, "One brick is of gold, another of silver, and the mortar is musk. The sand is Saffron and the pebbles are pearls and rubies.

Whoever will enter Jannah will not be deprived of any bounty, and will abide therein forever. They will never die therein, their clothing will never wear out and their youth shall never terminate."
Thereafter Rasulullah (sallallahu‐alayhi‐wa‐sallam) continued to say, "The du’aas of three people are never rejected.
They are:
1. A just ruler,
2. the fasting person when he terminates his fast, and
3. the oppressed person. Their du’aas are lifted above the clouds and Allah responds by saying, I shall definitely assist you even though it may be after some time."

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