Wednesday 21 May 2014


Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Amr bin Al Aas (R.A) says that his father [Hadhrat Amr bin Al Aas (R.A)] used to often say, "I am surprised at the person upon whom the signs of death have appeared, yet he does not describe the reality thereof, even though his senses are still with him and his tongue can still talk."

When death began to approach him and he was still conscious and able to speak, the son asked, "Oh Father! You used to express surprise at those who do not describe the reality of death. Tell us about death." He replied, "Oh my son! It is not possible to describe the condition of death, but I will try. By Allah! It seems as if a mountain has been placed between my shoulders, as if my soul is emerging from the eye of a needle and as if my stomach is filled with thorns. Oh my son! It seems as if the earth and the skies have joined and I am being crushed between the two."

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