Wednesday 7 May 2014

The method of sitting in the Jalsah and Qa’adah postures

1- Place the left foot down and sit on it, whilst keeping the right foot upright with the toes facing the Qibla.
2- Some people keep both feet upright and sit on their heels. Others cross their feet. This is all contrary to the sunnat.
3- The method of sitting in the first and second qa’adah (sitting posture) is the same as that of the jalsah posture. Many people err in these postures also.

4- The common method of placing the hands in the two qa’adahs and in jalsah is that the hands should be placed on the thighs with the fingers facing the Qibla. The fingers are not bent towards the knees, which means that the tips of the fingers are kept on the tip of the knee. However, in a narration recorded in Sahih Muslim reported by Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubair , it is reported that Rasulullah r used to make the knee a morsel of the left hand. (i.e. He used to cup the knees). Thus some Scholars are of the opinion that the fingers of the left hand should cup the knee.58This is the view of Imaam Tahawi (R.A) as well.
5- When commencing the qa’adah, the right hand will be placed on the thighs or knees. However when reading At –Tahiyaat, one reaches the words Ash-hadu-alla-ilaaha-illallaah form a ring with the thumb and middle finger and join the small and ring finger attaching the tips of it to the palm.The index finger will then be lifted towards the Qibla. It will be lifted when reading Ash-hadualla- ilaaha and dropped when reading illallahu. The other fingers will remain as they are till the end of the salaat.
6- The index finger will not be raised towards the sky. It will only be lifted towards the Qibla.

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