Tuesday 20 May 2014


The only solution to the problem is that firstly we should determine our purpose of life, i.e., what should we do and why. If we are convinced that our sole purpose of life is to please and gratify Allah Ta’aala, we should mold our lives according to the Shariah and put it into practice. We should try our best to make our beliefs, actions and morals according to the Shariah and to keep ourselves away from the humility of all kinds of sins. Though the concern about whichever is a minor or a major sin is basically right, we should not neglect the fact that a big fire is not always needed to burn a mansion.
Sometimes a small spark is enough to cause a complete holocaust. We should surrender ourselves and our intellect to the Shariah and should behave according to the requirements of the Shariah. We should behave harshly if harshness is required in Shariah and softly if softness is required in Shariah. Our ancestors’ day and night life had been molded according to the Sunnah and that was the most significant quality they possessed.
Their efforts, labor and exertion were for the sole cause of (Allah Ta’aala’s) right path. Their enmity and hatred was only for the sake of righteousness. They were not caught into fire of anger without any purpose. Their rein (of intellect) was in full control of Shariah. They appeased the whole world and ...........
We should firmly recognize that ourselves, our opinion, our wisdom and intellect, our deliberation and our approbation are nothing compared to the orders from Allah Ta’aala. These things are (as if ) non-existent and their worth is not more than a wing of mosquito (compared to Allah Ta’aala’s order). Gratification from Allah Ta’aala is the only real thing to achieve and all distresses and composes of life and death are faced for this sole purpose. We will only implement the superiority of Shariah over all kinds of deeds we commit from our body and soul. One of Ameerul Mu’mineen Syed Ahmad Shaheed’s (Rehmat Ullahi Alaihi) faithful friend used to send him 360 new suites from Patna to dress one each daily. Few days before his martyrdom, Hazarat Syed Sahib said: “O people! though I wear a new dress daily but if there is Allah Ta’aala’s order to dress a rough and coarse (low quality) dress and to even stuck myself into a cow dung, I would do so since this a duty of a slave to remain happy and pleased in whatever Allah Ta’aala is pleased.”
Shariah was achieved by the Sahaba (R.A) through the blessed company of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Ta’bay’een76 then learned that Shariah through the company of Sahaba (R. A) while Taba Ta’bay’een77 enlightened themselves with this Shariah through the company of Ta’bay’een. From that onwards, this chain of achieving the Shariah through the company of pious and knowledgeable people is still continuos. There comes amendment in beliefs, barakah in knowledge and spirituality in deeds through the company of these pious people. Therefore it is extremely important to stay in the company of Allah Ta’aala’s pious and beloved servants, to acquire lessons of high moralities and to make an effort to mold lives according to the Shariah.
Wisdom is your shield and love is your sword. O my friend! Khilafah is your way of world-grasping.
Your Takbeer is like a fire to every thing (unworthy of worship) except Allah (that burns and destroys the value and love of worldly things in believers’ hearts). If you are a (true) Muslim, then your deliberations and plans are (very near to) your destination.
If you showed loyalty to (the Prophet) Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), We are yours (i.e., We are pleased with you). What is the worth of this world, even all heavenly creations would be yours (i.e., when Allah Ta’aala is pleased with His servant, every of His creation becomes his obedient).

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