Thursday 1 May 2014


The following is he Sunnat method of making Ghusal.
Proceed with Ghusal step by step as stated hereunder:
1. First wash both hands as far as far as the wrists. The hands should not be dipped in the basin of water for washing. Water should either run from the tap onto the hands or poured from a container.
2. Wash the private parts of istinja (the private parts and the surrounding area). This should be washed whether there may is Najaasat (impurity) or not.
3. Wash the part of the body wherever there may be impurity.

4. Make full Wudhu now. However, if Ghusal is being made in a place where the water pools around the feet, then delay the washing of the feet until the end of the Ghusal.
5. After Wudhu, pour water thrice over the head.
6. Thereafter, pour water thrice over the right shoulder.
7. Then pour water thrice over the left shoulder. The water should be poured in such a way that the entire body is thoroughly drenched.
8. If the feet were not washed at the time of Wudhu, wash them now.
N.B. While pouring the water, rub well on the body to ensure that no spot remains dry.

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