Tuesday 20 May 2014

HAZARAT SHAQEEQ BALAKHI AND HAZARAT IBRAHIM BIN ADHAM (May Allah shower His blessings upon both of them)

Abu Naeem Isfahani quotes in “Hulyatul Aulia” that once Hazarat Ibrahim bin Adham (R.A) had a meeting with Hazarat Shaqeeq Balakhi (R.A) in Mecca Mukarramah. Ibrahim bin Adham asked Shaqeeq Balakhi about how did he take care of himself. Shaqeeq replied: “I eat whenever Allah Ta’aala gives me some sustenance and stay with patience when nothing comes." Ibrahim bin Adham said:
“Yes, same is the practice of dogs living in the city of Balakh." On hearing that, Shaqeeq asked humbly: “O. Hazarat! how do you take care of yourself?” Ibrahim bin Adham replied: “When we are bestowed with some sustenance, we make use of sacrifice (i.e., we give it to a more needy brother), while we keep ourselves busy in thanking and praising Allah Ta’aala when nothing comes.” On hearing this from Ibrahim bin Adham, Shaqeeq stood up, sat closer to him and submitted: “O. my lord! you are my real teacher who has guided and instructed me.”
Ponder upon this incident. Both of them lived in this same world. They had similar appearance and outlook but still different standards of leading their ways of life (May Allah shower His blessings upon both of them).
The person who spends his life according to some set objective always follows a certain path or way of life. On the other hand, a person who spends his life without setting any objective or purpose always follows his own desires. If his desires instruct him to worship Allah Ta’aala, he can finish the recitation of whole Holy Qur’an in just one day, spend the whole night in optional prayers and can give everything he owns for any good cause.
Criminals involved in bloody killings can receive protection from him. On the contrary, when his desires instruct him to do evils, the same yesterday’s Junaid and Shibli9 proves himself lowly than a Satan. Following the desires of Nafs and transgressing the prescribed limits is the characteristic of such people. Whether in good or evil practicing, they always follow extremism and never restrict themselves within the prescribed limits. Their lives are faraway from moderation contrary to those who lead their lives according to a set purpose.
Billions of people of different religions and nationalities live in this world. What are the objectives and goals of their lives and what are the means and resources to achieve these goals and objectives? To what extent they are using these means and resources to achieve their goals and objectives? Are they making full use of these means and objectives or not? As a result, are their lives successful and prosperous or not? All these above addressed questions are valid and important but the most important question to be answered at this moment is about what the purpose of a Muslim’s life is? What should be his sole desire and ambition of life? What target he has to reach and what destination he has to achieve?
We believe that the real and sole purpose of a believer’s life is to achieve:
and that is it.

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