Wednesday 21 May 2014


A person once told Hadhrat Ibraheem bin Adham (R.A) that they would be benefited by the talks of Deen if he were to have a gathering with them. He said that four worries plagued his mind and he would only be able to sit with them if he could free himself from these. When he was asked what these four things were, he mentioned the following:

1. "My first concern is what Allah said on the day that He took the pledge from people. Allah said that certain people were destined for Jannah, while others were destined for Jahannam. I do not know which of the two groups I belong to.
2. When a child is in the womb of the mother, an angel asks Allah whether he should record the child as fortunate or as an unfortunate one, I do not know how was I recorded.
3. When the angel of death claims a soul, he asks Allah whether the soul should be kept with the Mu'mineen or with the kuffar. I do not know what reply will issue forth with regard to myself.
4. Allah will announce on the Day of Judgement, "Be separated, Oh you criminals." I do not know to which party I will belong."

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