Wednesday, 30 April 2014


1. It is permissible to wash the visible part of the thick beard. According to the correct opinion, water must also reach the skin of the thin beard.
2. Generally when the skin can be seen through the beard, it is not compulsory for the water to reach the portion of the beard that is hanging from the surrounding of the face and the portion of the beard hair which is hidden when the lips meet.

3. It is Farz to wash the portion that is between the hanging beard and the ear.
4. It is compulsory to wash the portion between the two joined fingers and the portion that is under long nails. It is Waajib to wash off things that are under the nails like flour. Generally things that have the quality of absorption are not Waajib to wash.
5. It is Waajib to move tight rings so that water can reach underneath and it is permissible to pour water over a wound if it covers any area of Wudhu and if some medicine has been applied for valid reasons. It is NOT necessary to make masah or repeat Wudhu after clipping the nails or cutting the moustache.


If doubt occurs:
1. While washing, then wash the area.
2. After washing, then the Wudhu is done. There is no need to repeat anything.


If one is certain after Wudhu that a certain area has been omitted, then wash that area only. The Wudhu does not have to be repeated.

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