Tuesday 22 April 2014

The Present Age of Mischief

To follow the Holy Prophet and conform to his way of life is extremely necessary,
particularly in the present age. If one does not indisputably grasp the Sunnah with
utmost steadfastness and constancy, not only one's faith (iman) and belief can be
imperilled but one will also have to face the divine punishment for having abandoned
the Sunnah. Today the world is in search of the lover of conformance to the Sunnah.
Urdu couplet: -
This age is in search of its Abraham; an idol-house this world is.
There's no deity but Allah. (Iqbal)
It is a pity that the Muslims' lifestyle today is poles apart from the Holy
Prophet's way of life. The Muslims who have Allah's Book and the Holy
Prophet good example with them. The Muslims who were the light of guidance
for the world. The Muslims that when they happened to pass through any lane or
street, atmosphere of the surroundings used to get enlightened with faith and action.
The Muslims whose existence was a mercy for mankind. The Muslims for whom
divine help and protection was accompanied everywhere.

It is due to this remoteness from the holy example that flames of opposition against
them are blazing on all sides. The surface of the vast earth is getting narrower and
narrower for them and even in those countries where they happen to have paramount
power and government, they are almost dependent upon others. Among a large group
of Muslims, particularly those, who have received modern education and are
immersed in western civilisation and culture, there has arisen disgust with religion due
to their lack of knowledge. Rather, there has everywhere come up a group that is
antagonistic towards Islam and is prepared to uproot it. Wherever a call or movement
is started in the name of Islam, efforts are caused to be made for suppressing it and to
dispel its effects and influence, and endeavours are made to deflect the masses from it.
Thus the whole community is a victim of moral degeneration, anarchy and chaos, and
different kinds of cracks are showing in it. In the most recent past, hundreds of
mischief like Qadianism, Parvizism, Disavowal of Hadith, etc. were born and are still
taking birth every now and then. The main cause of this is that the Muslims' relation
of love and conformance to the Holy Prophet has become weak and languid, and
they have thrown the holy Companions' and the pious predecessors' way of life behind
their own backs.

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