Thursday 24 April 2014


1. The Janaazah Salaat is in fact a Duaa (prayer and supplication) on behalf of the dead.
2. The Shuroot (conditions) of other Salaats are applicable to Janaazah Salaat as well.
3. The Mayyit (the dead) should be placed in front of those performing the Janaazul Salaat. The imam should stand in line with the breast of the Mayyit.
4. Two things are Fardh in Salaatul Janaazah, viz :
a. To recite “Allaahu Akbar’ four times.

b. Qiyaam – to perform the Janaazah Salaat standing.
There is no Ruku, Sajdah, etc in Salaatul Janaazah.
5. Three things are Sunnat in Salaatul Janaazah, viz
a. Hamd to recite the Praises of Allaah Ta’ala.
b. Durood upon Rasulullaah (S.A.W).
c. Duaa for the Mayyit.
6. Jamaat (congregation) is not a condition for the validity of Salaatul Janaazah. Hence, if even one person man or woman performs it, the Fardh obligation is discharged.
7. The method of performing Salaatul Janaazah:-
a. The Mayyit should be placed in front with the Imam standing in line with the Mayyit’s chest.
b. It is Mustahab to form 3 rows behind the Imam. If there are only 7 people 1 of them being Imam, 3 should stand in the first Saff, 2 in the second Saff and 1 in the third Saff.
c. The following Niyyat is then recited (or an intention is made in the mind):
“I make Niyyat of performing Salaatul Janaazah for Allaah Ta’ala and as a Dua for the deceased.”
d. After Niyyat recite “Allaahu Akbar” and raise hands to the ears (as in other Salaats) and fold as usual, recite now Thana:
Glory unto You Allaah ! All praise unto You.
Blessed is Your name and Most High is Your Majesty. There is none worthy of worship but You.
e. After Thana, recite again “Allaahu Akbar” once, but do not raise the hands. After this Takbeer recite Durood e Ebrahim. Durood e Ebrahim:
“Oh Allaah! Send Your mercy on Muhammad (S.A.W) and on his seeds as You sent thy mercy on Ebrahim and his seeds. No doubt! You art Great and Praiseworthy! Oh Allaah! send Your blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W) and on his seeds as Thou hast blessed Ebrahim and his seeds. No doubt! You art Great and Praiseworthy! Oh Allaah! send Your blessings on Muhammad (S.A.W) and on his seeds as Thou hast blessed Ebrahim and his seeds. No doubt! Thou art Great and Praiseworthy.”
f. After Durood e Ebrahim recite “Allaahu Akbar” once (do not raise the hands), and recite a Duaa for the Mayyit is a Baaligh (of age) male and female recite the following Duaa.
“Oh Allaah, forgive our living and dead, present and absent, big and small men and women. Oh Allaah, whoever among us, is kept alive, by thee, let him be kept alive on the path of Islaam and to whom thou cause to die, let him die with Islaamic faith.”
If the deceased is a Na Baaligh (under age) boy recite:
“Oh Allaah, make this child a source of our salvation and the pain of his parting a source of reward and benefit for us. Make him a recommendation for us and the recommendation, which Thou hast accepted.
If the deceased is a Na Baaligh girl, recite the same Duaa as for a Na Baaligh boy but recite on all three places
“Aj Alha” instead of “Al Alhu”
g. After the Duaa recite again once, “Allaahu Akbar’.
Again do not raise the hands. After this fourth Takbeer make the Salaam as is done in other Salaats.
8. The Imaam recites the four Takbeers and the Salaams aloud and the Muqtadis silently.

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