Thursday 24 April 2014


A sick person may sit and perform Salaat if to stand will be difficult due to severe pain or fear of the increase of illness or its prolongation.
He may sit in whatever position is convenient.
He may also remain standing for as long as possible and then sit when he cannot stand.
If one cannot perform Ruku and Sajdah, then these should be done by signs. The sign for Sajdah should be lower than Ruku, otherwise the Salaat will not be valid.

Nothing should be raised up to one’s face whereupon Sajdah is made. If this is done then the head has to be lowered as well, otherwise it is not valid.
If it is difficult to sit, then one can perform Salaat by signs lying on the back or side. Lying on the back is better. Place a pillow under the head so that the face is directed towards the Qibla and not towards the sky.
If performance by signs is also difficult then the Salaat should be delayed for as long as one understands speech.
Signs cannot be made with the eyes, the heart or eyebrows.
If one is able to stand but unable to perform Salaat then it must be completed whatever way possible even if it be through signs.
If one performs Salaat sitting down making Ruku and Sajdah and is then cured, the Salaat can be continued, however if it was performed by signs then one cannot continue.
If someone remained mad or unconscious for the duration of 5 Salaats then on recovering he should repeat the same.
However, if this abnormal state persists for more than 5 Salaats then, he need not perform them later.

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