Friday 25 April 2014

Rights of Islam

All praise to Allah who has honoured us by saying in His Book: Indeed Allah commands you to restore to their owners the trusts (deposited with you) and to judge justly if you (ever) judge among men. (4:58)
Salutation and blessings on His Messenger, our master, Muhammad, who warned us by his saying: He who has done wrong to his brother in the matter of his dignity, wealth, should free himself there from today, before there is no Dinar nor any Dirham, i.e
. on the Day of Judgement. Salutation and blessings also on his household and Companions who joined every branch to its roots.
It has been established by way of tradition as well reason that we have been called upon to discharge some rights, some of which are due to Allah and some to His servants. Of the rights due to the servants some concern religion and some this worldly life. Rights concerning the worldly life are also diverse, e.g., those due to near relatives,other relatives, particular persons, Muslims in general, elders and youngers, equals and so on and so forth.

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