Tuesday 22 April 2014

No Connection With Us - If You Shun Sunnah

The Holy Prophet excludes from his fold one who shuns Sunnah. As such, he has said: "He who shuns my sunnah - turns his face from them - he has had no connection with me." When His Holiness himself turns out any one from his group, however much we may assert ourselves to be within the fold of Islam and among the Umma-e Muhammadiyyah, we cannot enter this group. After the Holy Prophet's ruling and fatwa the learned ulema (divines) may or may not issue this fatwa for any one. But the categorical thing is that such a man does not remain a Muslim, rather he is not a Muslim.
Then, in the world, he may or may not believe it but he will come to know tomorrow, on the Day of Judgement, at the Fountain of Kausar, when he will be turned away from there; and the Holy Prophet will himself say: "Destruction and remoteness be for one who changed his way (of life) after me!" Hence one should always be very fearful as regards disobedience to Allah and His Prophet and should keep following his auspicious sunnahs and methods with all the force at one's command. But it should always be borne in mind that man's baser self (nafs) and Satan will always keep telling him: "Well, you are very weak. Where have you the strength to follow it (sunnah)?" Hence one should try to save oneself from the Satan's guile and deceit, otherwise the consequence will be very bad.

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